Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

Religious Education


At Rawdon St. Peter’s Primary School we ensure that all pupils receive their R.E. entitlement and that R.E. is an integral part of the whole curriculum. Links between Religious Education and other curriculum areas are encouraged. Within our distinctive context we emphasise: 

  • A Christian ethos which permeates the whole curriculum and provides a basis for comparing, contrasting and understanding a range of faiths and belief systems. 
  • Difference and Diversity, which is enhanced by our inclusion work with the NWSILC (Orchard class) and links with Christ Church School in Uganda. 
  • The importance of first-hand meaningful experiences including visits and visitors into school, learning outside the classroom and opportunities for reflection. 
  • Close links with Rawdon St Peter’s Church, Trinity Church and the wider community.     



At Rawdon St Peter’s, Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Leeds Agreed Syllabus (Believing and Belonging) and reflects the distinctive and inclusive ethos of our Christian foundation.  Along with National Curriculum subjects, Religious Education forms a key part of our curriculum.   



The high quality Religious Education provided at Rawdon St Peter’s Primary School enables us to support pupils in developing their understanding of Christianity and other principal religions and value systems, while providing opportunities for reflection upon their own lives and experiences. Our pupils develop empathy, understanding and how to take responsibility for their own actions.