Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

SEND & Inclusion at RSP

We pride ourselves on our aspirations for all our pupils.  Our information report details our admissions and support arrangements for any pupils who may have specific special education needs or disabilities.  Additional policies are available within the policies section.

 We support pupils through classroom support and intervention programs to raise their attainment and ensure progress.

SEND & Inclusion Policy     Pupil Premium Information   

SEND Information Report & Local Offer    

  Leeds Local Offer



Rawdon St Peter's School prides itself with its multicultural approach to learning. Pupils are taught the importance of diversity in the community and celebrate many aspects of other religions, faiths and cultures.

The school has developed special community groups which are made up of children from different years groups and a range of abilities including pupils with special needs. This is a valuable learning experience for pupils and helps develop community spirit both in and out of school. When celebrating different aspects of diversity and community cohesion, the children experience a range of different activities within these community groups.