Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

Online Safety

At RSP we are constantly reminding pupils the importance of keeping safe online. As technology and internet usage increases we feel it is essential that you guide your children on how to use the internet correctly and within parental controls. The following website gives advice on how to help you child stay safe online.

Online Safety Talk for Parents - click here to see the information shared at the talk.  Click on the images below to take you to the different online resources to help us keep our children safe online.

Life on the small screen - What children and watching and why - Ofcom report about children's use of TV and devices.



Leeds Prevent advice and guidance about signs of exploitation

 Click on the logo above for instructions to access the Safer Schools app - a resource giving 60 second guides on a range of Online Safety issues.

The code for accessing the Rawdon St Peter's app is available within the Online Safety Talk document above.