Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

Our Key Christian Values    

All our school children have been involved in writing our school prayer.

The Collective Worship group have worked with Mrs Sibson to bring together ideas, to ensure we capture the thoughts and feelings of our whole community.

As a school we are also learning to sign the prayer.

Signing our School Prayer

Dear God,

We are the Rawdon St Peters family and we thank you for our happy community,

Help us to use our key values every day,

To be kind and fair to all, no matter who they are,

and put others happiness in front of our own,

We know we need to be honest when we have done something wrong,

and to persevere when things are difficult,

so we can accomplish our dreams

and remember that each one of us is special,

We like to learn and play

and we thank you for our wonderful school and all the amazing things we learn,

May all the happy things we do make others at school happy too.
