Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

W/C 25th May 2020

This is our special time together           :           Let us light the candle

This week's theme is LOVE.

Draw around your hands and then cut them out, but keep the two hands joined together. Can you see the heart in the middle of the two hands?
Write the names of people you love on each hand. This could be family or friends. Use this as a reminder of people that you love.

You may also wish to make some kind of heart to focus on this week.                               See opposite for some ideas.

I wonder, what love might mean to you?
There are lots of different types of love, I wonder if you can think of any?
There is the love between brothers and sisters and other family members, love between friends, romantic love, love you have for your favourite food or the love you feel for your pets.

‘Love is…’ How would you finish off this sentence?
The Bible gives Christians a really clear description of what love is and isn’t … You may have heard this passage from the Bible before.

Listen to the reading by watching the first video opposite.

What do you notice about how love is described in that reading you have just heard from the Bible? Love is an action. Something we DO. Not just what we say, but how we act towards each other.

I wonder what you think about this? Do you agree?
I wonder how you know that someone loves you? Hopefully through their actions, words and thoughts.

The Bible also talks about different types of love. Agape is a type of love mentioned many times as it describes selfless, unconditional love. That means, doing something for others without expecting anything in return.

The Bible story for today demonstrates this Agape love. See if you can spot it when you hear the story. Watch the story in the second video opposite.

Luke 5: 17-26 tells the story of the paralysed man, who is brought to Jesus by being lowered through the roof by his friends.

Time for reflection

This week, as you reflect each day, look at the heart you have made.                                How could you love people with your actions? What might they need right now?

Remember, love is an action. How could you show love with the things you do?

You might like to tell God about how you need help or how someone you care about needs help.

If you wish, say a prayer asking God to help you.

Dear God,
Sorry for the times when I haven’t loved people through my thoughts or actions.
Thank you for all those that love me and for all those I love.
Help my community to share love with each other through their actions.
Please help me to love people in practical ways, especially those who are harder to love.

Click on the music opposite to join in with one our favourite hymns.

Let us go out of this Collective Worship with kind and positive thoughts.

We will be the best that we can be.

Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away.
love is something if you give it away, you end up having more.

It's just like a magic penny; Hold it tight and you won't have any;
Lend it, spend it, and you have so many, they'll roll all over the floor, for…

Love is something if you give it away …

So let’s go dancing till the break of day, and if there’s a piper, we can pay.                                For love is something if you give it away, you end up having more.

Love is something if you give it away …

Reflection comments

Please share your reflections about our Collective Worship.