Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

Collective Worship

Collective Worship has a central place in the life of our School.

It can be defined as the coming together of our school community to consider matters which we hold in greater worth. It is an affirmation and celebration of ideals and values of central importance to our school community.


Each week the school has a focused theme and ethos statement, which is shared through class and whole school Collective Worship.


This our special time together.

Let us light the candle.

 Image result for candle 

We leave our collective worship with kind and positive thoughts.

We will be the best that we can be.     

Pupils are actively involved in Collective Worship.  Our Collective Worship group meets regularly with the headteacher to discuss themes and ideas.  They worked as a group to collate ideas about our new school prayer and write the final version.

 Dear God, 

We are the Rawdon St Peters family and we thank you for our happy community,

Help us to use our key values every day,

To be kind and fair to all, no matter who they are,

and put others happiness in front of our own,

We know we need to be honest when we have done something wrong,

and to persevere when things are difficult,

so we can accomplish our dreams

and remember that each one of us is special,

We like to learn and play

and we thank you for our wonderful school and all the amazing things we learn,


May all the happy things we do make others at school happy too.


We would like to give you the opportunity to have time to reflect and think about what means most in this difficult time. We hope you will take comfort from the knowledge that we are all thinking about each other, as we share this reflection time together, even though we are apart.

We will be adding a weekly Collective worship service here each week.

Parents - your child can either read through the service if they are able to, or you can read it with them.

Each week there will be a Bible story, video, a Collective Worship song and a prayer.

If you have more than one child they could do the service together. We usually light a candle at the start of Collective Worship. You may wish to do the same.


Easter Week


Kindness (Rev Helen)

The cross - hope and sacrifice (27/4/20)

Parable of the sower (4/5/20)

Hope (11/5/20)

Courage - David and Goliath (18/5/20)

Love (25/5/20)

Courage (1/6/20)

Patience (8/6/20)

Resilience (15/6/20)

Humiity (22/6/20)

Pupils enjoyed opening and reading the letters we received from our friends in Uganda.

Signing our School Prayer