Rawdon St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Unlocking every child's potential

Investors In Pupils

Investors In Pupils

Rawdon St Peter’s Primary School has been an Investors in Pupils school for many years. Investors in Pupils has a positive impact on children’s learning as pupils feel involved in all aspects of school life. Children take responsibility for their learning as they choose their own targets to work on. Once they have achieved their targets they receive a self-chosen reward. The children also decide in collaboration with the teacher what their person targets will be. Once they have completed this target they receive a special Investors in Pupils sticker. Ask your child what their personal target is and class target is and look out for them sporting a reward sticker. Investors in Pupils has also had a very positive impact on attendance as children are motivated to learn and want to come to school every day. In every classroom there is an Investors in Pupils display board that displays  the class and personal targets. Each class also makes an induction booklet for new staff and children.

Here are a few examples of the Investors in Pupils display boards we have in school:

Investors in Pupils also enables children to find out more about the school and how the school is run on a day to day basis. They learn about the importance of having a budget and also recognise the different roles and responsibilities in a school, including roles of governors. Every year group has a governor assigned to them who will be invited to get involved with activities and trips.

Currently the children have been set the challenge of doubling a donation of £25 from Mrs Sibson. Classes are currently working on their entrepreneurial skills in order to meet their target.  Speak to your children about how their class intends to double their money.

Parents are informed about Investors on the website. If you would like any more information on Investors please see Mrs Etheridge who will be happy to answer any questions.